How Jordan Douglas maintains the industry standard for Gutter Cleaning:


“Sometimes stains develop on the insides of gutters that do not impede the flow of water. Our inside the gutter cleaning quotes are typically for flow impeding debris, not stains. If you’re interested in getting rid of the stains on the inside of your gutters, let us know and we’ll give you a quote!”

We are proud of being the lower mainland’s industry leader in gutter cleaning services. If you haven’t done so already, book your annual or semi-annual gutter cleaning now! Fill out the Request Quote form on this page to book your cleaning now.

In case you were curious, here’s how we remain the Lower Mainland’s best provider of gutter cleaning services:

  1. No shortcuts!
    We get right up to the gutter and take the debris out by hand while running a sponge (wet weather) or brush (dry gutters) through the gutters. if you want gutters as beautiful as you see in these pictures be wary of methods that involve vacuums and standing on the ground.
  2. Seeing is believing
    How do you know that you gutters have been cleaned to a high standard when you can’t see them? We are the only exterior cleaner that we’ve heard of that provides pictures of the cleaned out gutters as a standard part of ouir service so you can see with your own eyes the quality of our work.We are proud of our gutter cleaning and want you to be able to appreciate our workmanship!
  3. Industry leading guarantee = peace of mind
    Gutters that do not have trees or other foliage feeding debris into them, are covered by our guarantee. We will come back to clean any gutters that do not have trees or other foliage feeding debris into them should they become clogged again within 6 months the date we started the job.

Kill 2 or 3 birds with one stone and save money:
Remember that your estimator can get you the lowest prices if you bundle services together. If we have the crew on site with all of the equipment we can save money by doing a few services at the same time. We pass these savings on to you.

Bundling services saves you Money! Making a commitment saves you More!
Your estimator can get you the lowest prices if you bundle services together, HOWEVER, you can save even more by getting cost certainty and inflation protection in a 3 year commitment.

Ask your estimator for details.

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